Important Information About The Georgetown
Airport |
Dear Editor, There was a press release on the front page of your October 17 paper, probably submitted by Penny Humphreys' staff. It is composed of two short paragraphs which cause the reader to assume that the fixed base operator (FBO) of the Georgetown Airport has chosen to leave and that the County is graciously attempting to do without him for a time. It also states that the work at the airport which has been delayed by the County will be completed soon, and that certain necessary changes will be made to secure the airport and allow pilots to fuel their aircraft.
The truth is that the County Board of Supervisors (BOS) in closed session decided to remove the FBO. Steve (the current FBO) and Trish who have worked together to keep the airport the showpiece that it is (in spite of the County), have spent years negotiating to have the County provide minimal service to those using the airport. The County has had a preference for taking any dollars saved or collected from the Georgetown Airport and spending them elsewhere. Why is Steve being removed? The story begins at a much earlier date and some background material is needed to understand it.
Steve and the FBO before him leased their space from El Dorado County. In the course of their leases, both FBOs endured multiple actions by the County to avoid offering the community any major services. This is typical of the way the Georgetown Divide has been treated by the County throughout the years. It is usually the "stepchild" of the County. Whether by simple ignorance or deliberate intent, this treatment was a way for the County to insure that the FBO would have difficulty in attracting business.
At one time, the County Board of Supervisors realized that they were not aviators and had no expertise in managing an airport, so they created an Airport Commission of specialists to examine issues affecting the airports in the County, to hold public hearings, and to advise the Board according to their findings. After Penny was elected, this system began to work too well and the honesty of the Commission began to be embarrassing to the political interests of some of the supervisors. For convenience in making decisions affecting airports, it was best to avoid public hearings and unwanted advice from specialists. Penny was instrumental in abolishing the Airport Commission and consolidating immediate power on airport matters in the Board of Supervisors, preferably without public hearings.
In lieu of the Airport Commission, two Advisory Committees were established, one for each airport. Any "power" that the Airport Commission had would be reduced by splitting it into two separate committees. Yet Penny cancelled the October 8 meeting of the Advisory Committee for the Georgetown Airport. Subsequently, Gary Hayden (County Staff Member) was directed by Penny to send a letter to the Members of the Advisory Committee explaining why the meeting was cancelled. One of the reasons given was "they could not mobilize enough deputies on short notice to protect the County staff at the meeting...since there was a controversial issue involved".
Not long ago, Steve sued the County and the County settled out of court. This made the Board of Supervisors unhappy. Now, Penny and the other county supervisors have decided to remove Steve and Trish without any negotiation or input from the public. As for the long-needed services and maintenance that she says will occur, it may not happen unless Steve and other informed people are there to needle the County as has been necessary in the past.
The long-term objective of the BOS seems to be the complete elimination of the Georgetown Airport. A frog does not realize he is being boiled if the temperature is increased gradually. People may not realize that their airport is being taken from them if it is done gradually. Of course, Penny won't admit it, but we should look at what she HAS DONE - NOT what she SAYS or does not say.
If we are to keep the Georgetown Airport, we need to keep Steve and Trish. We also need to elect Supervisors for the BOS who will allow public hearings, who will work within the spirit of fair play, who will listen to people who are more knowledgable, who will honor their obligations to the public without further legal action being necessary, and WHO WILL LISTEN TO THEIR CONSTITUENTS.
We should remember that "the County" is us. We collectively own the property where the airport exists. The Board of Supervisors is composed of people elected to represent our interests. When they fail to listen to our wishes, they should be REMOVED FROM OFFICE.
Lew Price, Garden Valley