Important Information About The Georgetown Airport
1 year after County initiates removal of FBO

Campground - Labor Day Weekend 2003

Campground - Labor Day Weekend 2002

Tarmac - Labor Day Weekend 2003

Tarmac - Labor Day Weekend 2002

Former FBO Location - Labor Day Weekend 2003

Notice of Declining Services - Labor Day Weekend 2003

The information on this website is a collective effort regarding the County's successful removal of long time Georgetown Airport FBO Skyways/Blacksheep Classic Airplane Co.

While the County is seeking a replacement FBO, one primary question remains:

Will any FBO be able to survive the longstanding lack of County cooperation regarding the particular dynamics of the Georgetown Airport and Georgetown community.

For a complete history based on public documents, please explore the following link:

Detailed History of County Treatment of Georgetown Airport and FBO's since 1989

History of Sept 2003 - Jan 2003 removal of FBO.....

01/28/2003 Board of Supervisors Agenda Meeting - Georgetown Airport Services at Risk!

Supervisors Solero (Tahoe), Borelli (Placerville), and Dupray (El Dorado Hills) voted against giving Skyways an interim 1 year lease. After some argument, it was then agreed to allow Skyways to remain for 90 days while the County puts out a new RFP.

Charlie Paine made a motion, with Helen Baumann seconding, to accept a proposed interim 12 month FBO lease that had been worked out among Steve and Trish Cimmarusti, County Counsel, Risk Management, and General Services. It was voted down 3 to 2 (Solaro, Borelli, and Dupray voted against). Three Supervisors outside our district determine what happens inside our district. Email them and ask why! (recent history and addresses below)

History of the Fall 2002 Troubles:

The El Dorado County Supervisors voted in closed session not to renew the Airport lease to Skyways, owned and operated by Steve and Trish Cimmarusti. After 10 years of hard work and quality service to our community and others, Skyways had been notified to vacate the airport by Dec 7th. The Supervisors acted without input from the Georgetown Airport Advisory Committee and the Community at large! Please email or phone all of our supervisors and share your wishes or opinions regarding this issue.


08/02: The El Dorado County Supervisors vote in closed session not to renew the Airport lease to Skyways, owned and operated by Steve and Trish Cimmarusti.
08/14/02: The El Dorado County demands Skyways quit FBO Lease and pay overdue lease payments
08/25/02: Skyways pays overdue lease payments
09/10/02: County applies payment to disputed amounts due from previous 1997 lease holder Josef Treiber* and demands outstanding  lease payments for year 2002.
09/13/02: Skyways pays this amount and requests accurate accounting.
10/01/02: County gives Skyways 30 days to vacate the airport
10/01/02 - 10/31/02: Pilots, Friends of the Airport, and the community object to county actions
10/23/02: This web site goes online
10/29 Update: Due to community pressure, the Supervisors have voted to extend the vacate order to December 7th.
11/02 Update: Supervisor Helen Baumann requests fair and ordered review of this issue on the Nov 5 Agenda
11/05 Update: Supervisors reject Helen Baumann Request but agree to allow public input
11/08 Update: Nov 19 public meeting scheduled with the Georgetown Airport Advisory Committee - 7:00PM - IOOF
11/27 Update: On November 26, Supervisor Borelli made a motion to put off further action until after January 6th when the new District 4 Supervisor Charlie Paine will officially take office. The motion was approved by all five Supervisors.
01/28 Supervisors Solero (Tahoe), Borelli (Placerville), and Dupray (El Dorado Hills) voted against giving Skyways an interim 1 year lease

AOPA Pilot Magazine Article about the Airport

Private Pilot Magazine Article about the Airport

West Coast Cessna Club Article about the Airport

El Dorado County Supervisors:

District 1 Rusty Dupray -
Phone: 530-621-5650

District 2 Helen Baumann -
Phone: 530-621-5651

District 3 James R. Sweeney -
Phone: 530-621-5652

District 4 Charlie Paine -
Phone: 530-621-6513

District 5 David A. Solaro -
Phone: 530-621-6577


Georgetown Gazette - Letters -

Mountain Democrat - Letters -

Auburn Journal - Letters -


"USS Georgetown"

Statements and letters by members of the Georgetown Divide Community and other Airport participants:
Letter to Divide Business Owners -  Nov 13
Letter by the President West Coast Cessna Club - Oct 28
Letter from Creekside School - Nov 7
Pat Leeds statement to the Supervisors - Oct 29 Meeting
Letter by Paul Miller to Supervisors - Georgetown - Nov 4
Letter by Doug Bell - Garden Valley
Letter by Patrick Leeds - Georgetown - Oct 12

Letter by Patrick Leeds - Georgetown - Oct 24
Letter by Lew Price - Garden Valley

Letter by Doug Bell to Mr. Jacoby - Mt. Democrat - Oct 27
Letter by John Williamson - 10/27
Letter by Dave Griffith  - Garden Valley - Oct 27
Letter by Jim Campbell
Airport being abandoned by county by S. Martin
Letter by S. Martin - Nov 1
Many non-flyers may not realize what the county is doing
Letter by Ted Van Raalte - Oct 23
Letter by Gary Vorderbruggen
Letter by Lynn Schardt - Garden Valley - Oct 17
Letter by Tremaine Parsons - Georgetown - Oct 23
Letter by Robert Vehn
Letter by Stephen Floyd - Monrovia CA
Letter by Dan Miltenberger - Oct 28
Letter by Don Osborne - Oct 28
Letter by Connie Livingston - Oct 31
Letter by Tremaine Parsons - Georgetown - Oct 29

Letter by Lew Price - Garden Valley - Nov 2

Letter by SuzAnne Awalt - Garden Valley - Nov 4

Some words about "rumors and misinformation" - Nov 8

Press Releases / Responses from the County / Supervisors
County seeking replacement for Georgetown Airport contractor
County appreciates value of Georgetown Airport

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