9/26/97 to 8/10/98

Airport Terms Defined - List of Key People

Other Sections
One (8/22/89 thru 4/19/94) - Two (6/10/96 only) - Three (thru 9/19/96)
Four (thru 9/18/97) - Six (thru 10/26/98) - Seven (thru 4/14/99)
Eight (thru 6/24/99) - Nine (thru 9/8/99) - Ten (second complaint)
Eleven (thru 12/27/99) - Twelve (thru 7/25/00) - Thirteen (thru 10/9/00)
Fourteen (thru 9/11/01) - Fifteen (thru 10/1/02) - Sixteen (thru 1/19/03)
Seventeen (to present)

9/26/97 (58)
Treiber's lease as FBO (was Loja) signed by DOT.
Exhibit E for fuel flowage based upon FBO-provided fuel tanks for post removal period of existing tank. No other provision for fuel flowage in this period. 10 transient parking places for FBO use.
Monthly Rental $700 to be paid by 10th of month with cost-of-living adjustment after 5 years.
No provision for collection of monthly tie-down fees or agreements.
No painting of aircraft without county permission.

1/29/98 (58.01-58.03)
Memo from Janet Atwood to Ollie Reighn.
1. Per your request, I have compiled the facts as I know them on outstanding fuel flowage fees and load of fuel delivered to Georgetown Airport in August.
2. Pertinent documents are attached.
3. I would like a determination of who is responsible for paying the fuel flowage fees for the mid August delivery given the attached info and process for collection.

Info Sheet:
1. Last FF fees paid was for 6/20/97 delivery by Capitol Flight Services.
2. Capitol Flight Services vacate County hangar at end of August and ceased business. His sublessee, Aircraft Conversion Technologies, vacated hangar at end of September which officially terminated Capitol Flight Services agreement with County.
3. Mr. Loja contacted this office and informed us that without his knowledge fuel had been delivered to the Georgetown Airport in mid August. The fuel distributor was Chevron fuel and he thought Treiber has ordered the fuel. We were not aware of the delivery.
4. The Treiber use agreement took effect 10/1/97. Treiber took possession immediately.
5. 10/19/97 Brian [Burgess] hand delivered a memo to Treiber requesting that he submit a copy of invoice and check covering FF fees for mid August fuel if it belonged to him. We received no response.
6. Submitted a memo from Randy Pessos (10/31) for a meeting regarding the release of Certificate of Deposit and his direction or authorization.
[Number has been skipped here by County.] 8. On visit to Georgetown Airport (11/7), Brian asked Treiber about FF fees. His response in the attached memo is that he did not have a contract and was talking to his lawyer about it.
9. Mr. Loja was requesting the release of his Certificate of Deposit for $1,524.00. All issues had been satisfied except the outstanding FF fees and Mr. Loja did not feel he was responsible for them since he did not order, own, or profit from fuel in question. I told him I would refer the matter to Randy Pesses (DOT).
10. Met with Randy (11/14) prior to his leaving on vacation and he approved release of Certificate of Deposit to Mr. Loja.
11. Notified Loja of approval of release and intent to work with Treiber.
12. Nothing further done by staff pending Pesses' addressing issue.
13. Mr. Nye of Petroleum Pump and Meter contacted us for approval to erect a large Chevron oil sign for Treiber and was given it. He is going through Building Dept for permit and has not yet received it.

Issue is still not resolved, FF fees are still outstanding, amount owing is not known, and fuel continues to be dispensed.

5/29/98 (59)
Letter from Reighn to Treiber stating no more fuel flowage checks from Treiber for mid-Aug 97 were required by county.
But fees would be due from 9/28/97 forward to end of lease along with lease fee.

*** 6/2/98 (59.1-59.2)
Letter from an attorney (name covered) to Mark Chase threatening Mark for allegedly libeling Shultz in a written communication that allegedly stated that Shultz voted to use County (tax payers') money to pay McKeehan's legal fees in lawsuits.
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6/5/98 (60)
Check for fuel flowage from Steve to county (1504 gallons).
Receipt from county for payment. [Since Treiber had been released from this responsibility, Steve's checks were certainly acceptable.]

Airport Commission rejects Cuttrell's unilateral campground interim policy.

6/15/98 (60.01-60.02)
Letter from Cuttrell to Treiber.
Several inconsistencies have arisen in your performance of lease.
1. An aircraft maintenance business is operating in your space as authorized by the FBO agreement. You have indicated that personal property used there (tools, etc.) are not owned by you. Only you are currently authorized to operate an aircraft maintenance business in that spot.
2. You agreed to provide evidence of workmen's comp and employer's liability insurance for your employees. We have received no such evidence. You agreed not to transfer or sublet or assign any portion of FBO obligations without our consent. If you have allowed another person to satisfy your FBO obligations, you are in violation. If you have employees, you must provide evidence of proper insurance.
3. I am requesting written clarification of these issues.

*** 6/19/98 (61)
Letter to Steve from Reighn complaining of camp trailer on campground.
Cites sublease agreement of hanger H-2 (2/16/93) as authority for Steve to act. Also states there were other instances and that Steve was not willing to work with the county. Campground policies in letter of 3/12/97 regarded as final authority.

*** 6/22/98 (62-63)
Letter from Pechner to Reighn.
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It states:
1. Interim airport policy was rejected by Georgetown Airport Commission.
2. Assertion that camp trailers not permitted is erroneous.
3. Steve not required to enforce rules.
4. Steve has been willing to work with county and there were no prior instances and court found this to be true.
5. General Services has no unilateral authority to make campground policy.
6. McKeehan has no authority or responsibility in this matter, and copy was sent to him, possibly attempting to interfere with contractual relationship between Steve and he. [So why was copy of letter sent to him?]

7/1/98 (64)
Check for fuel flowage from Steve to county (1500 gallons).
Receipt from county for payment.

*** 7/15/98 (65-66)
Cuttrell tells Steve that unilateral policy (his) on campground is "law". [In truth, it had been rejected by the Airport Commission and had not been approved by the BOS.]
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8/3/98 (67)
Check for fuel flowage from Steve to county (1209 gallons). Receipt from connty for payment.

7/8/98 (67.01-67.02)
Letter from Cuttrell to Skyways.
1. Wants workmen's comp/employees' liability/auto insurance.
[County had already been told numerous times that Steve had no employees and not business vehicles.]
2. Complains that extra duties had not been performed in a timely fashion, such as bulb replacement, trash pick up, etc.
3. States that two tie-down agreements have not been presented.
4. Asks for written response to above.

7/15/98 (67.03-67.07)
Letter from Cuttrell to Skyways.
1. States that interim campground policy is in effect and must be adhered to.
2. Says Pechner's letter stating that Airport Commission rejected policy is incorrect. [Not true.]
3. Steve must bow the the dictates of the policy.

*** 7/17/98 (67.08-67.09)
Letter from Pechner to Cuttrell.
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1. Correspondence of 7/2/98 [7/8/98] was referred to Pechner's office for response. In the future would prefer copies of letters be sent directly to her.
2. Regarding insurance, client has repeatedly informed County that he has no employees or business vehicles. Your letters confirm your intentional harrassment of Steve C.
3. As regards maintenance and upkeep, client unaware of any employee of County picking up trash and has been doing so himself. No one ever informed Steve of trash in area. Steve is unaware of any bulb replacement that has never been done. Steve has not failed to perform any of his responsibilities.
4. As for aircraft with no tie-down agreements, you were informed on many, many occasions that one is John Loja's and the other is undergoing repairs. Loja refuses to sign tie-down agreement and the other owner is not a tenant.
5. Steve has responded to all inquiries by you as have I (Pechner) and you completely ignore our responses. Your assertions are false.
6. We believed that with the recent supervisorial vote in district 4, you would accept that your harrassment of my client must stop, etc.

*** 7/30/98 (67.10)
Letter from Pechner to Cuttrell.
1. I have reviewed your correspondence of 7/15/98 in my correspondence to Mr. Reighn 6/22/98. Once again, I would appreciate it if you would sent copies of your letters to my client to me.
2. You have asserted that the Georgetown Airport is operating under the County's Interim Picnic/Campground Policy for Airports without reference to the manner in which such policy was adopted by BOS. I am not aware that the BOS has adopted any such policy.
3. The airport campground is being operated under a policy based upon that of the U.S. Forestry Service. This policy has been used for some time with the knowledge of all county offices, and the approval of the Airport Commission. The objection that you are raising is another attempt to harrass my client, etc.
4. If you have any specifics that any provision of policy has been violated, please furnish them.

*** 8/10/98 (68-69)
Letter from Freda Pechner to Donahue.
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Received your objection to taking your client's depositions as scheduled. I intend to move the court for an order to compel that your clients attend, and produce all documents requested, etc. I will have them served with subpoenas for 8/27/98, etc.

Your representation that my office agreed to continue the depositions is false. Even your own "objection" infers that if you did not respond to my 6/18/98 letter, the depositions would NOT be continued. As you know, you responded to my letter only by informing my office there would be NO response.

[Actual letter has more details.]